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Pudendal Neuropathy and Scrambler Therapy

Is there a cure for Pudendal Neuropathy?

At the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America, we offer a cutting-edge therapy called Calmare® Scrambler Therapy, which has shown promising results in alleviating pain and improving the quality of life for individuals with Pudendal Neuropathy. This non-invasive and drug-free approach offers a breakthrough solution for managing chronic pain.

Calmare® Scrambler Therapy utilizes a specialized device that delivers controlled electrical stimulation to the affected area. By reconfiguring the pain signals transmitted by damaged nerves, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy effectively "scrambles" the pain messages and replaces them with non-painful sensations. This innovative therapy has demonstrated remarkable outcomes in reducing pain intensity and restoring comfort for individuals with various types of neuropathic pain, including Pudendal Neuropathy.

If you are seeking a non-invasive and drug-free solution for Pudendal Neuropathy, consider Calmare® Scrambler Therapy at the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America. Experience the transformative power of this innovative approach and take a step towards long-lasting pain relief and improved quality of life.


Pudendal Neuropathy

Pudendal neuropathy is a challenging condition that affects the pudendal nerve, a critical pathway responsible for sensation and function in the genitals, anus, and surrounding muscles. This nerve, originating from the lower back and extending through the pelvic region, plays a vital role in our daily lives.

When the pudendal nerve becomes damaged or compressed, it can trigger a spectrum of distressing symptoms. Individuals may experience persistent pelvic pain, characterized by sensations of pain, numbness, burning, shooting pain, and tingling in the vaginal, penile, and anal areas. Moreover, difficulties with bladder and bowel control can arise, adding further strain to daily life. Even simple activities like sitting can become a painful challenge.

Both women and men may also encounter the unfortunate impact of painful sex, an intimate experience that should bring pleasure rather than discomfort. The complexities of pudendal neuropathy can disrupt relationships and hinder overall well-being.

Understanding and addressing pudendal neuropathy requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses thorough diagnosis and customized treatment plans. CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America is dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of this condition, empowering you with the knowledge and support needed to regain control of your life. Together, we can unlock relief and pave the way to a brighter future.

The common symptoms:

  • burning.png
    Shooting, aching, burning or stabbing pain
  • moon.png
    Hurting worse in the evening and feeling better in the morning
  • headache (3).png
    Pain intensity varies sometimes worse than other times
  • alone.png
    Hurting when sitting and better when standing or lying down
  • muscle (1).png
    Filling swollen in the perianal area
  • urine.png
    Trouble getting or reaching an orgasm
  • diarrhea.png
    Painful bowel movements
  • abstinence.png
    Painful sex
  • erectile-dysfunction.png
    Erectile dysfunction
  • gender.png
    Trouble getting or reaching an orgasm

What can cause Pudendal Neuropathy?
There are a variety of causes when it comes to Pudendal Neuropathy, including:
  • Childbirth trauma
  • Gynecological or colorectal surgery
  • Excessive physical exercise
  • Past pelvic or perianal trauma
  • Injury straining musculoskeletal issues posture stress or big life changes.
  • Broken bone in the pelvis
  • Complications after a prostatectomy
  • Infection or disease and growth or lesion
  • Tension on the nerve from a surrounding muscle and ligament
  • prolonged sitting such as cycling or horseback riding
  • Scarring

How to diagnoisis Pudendal Neuropathy

At the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America, we understand the complexities of pudendal neuropathy and the challenges it presents. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and innovative treatment option, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy, to help manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Diagnosing pudendal neuropathy can be a perplexing journey, as it frequently masquerades as other conditions, leading to misdiagnosis and prolonged uncertainty. Unraveling this intricate puzzle necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the condition and a keen eye for the nuances of its symptoms.

The diagnosis of pudendal neuropathy primarily relies on a clinical assessment, as nerve pain remains elusive to standard diagnostic tests. To support the diagnostic process, your healthcare provider may employ various tests, such as MRI scans, ultrasound imaging, or nerve conduction studies. In some cases, a pudendal nerve block test may be conducted to exclude alternative causes of your symptoms or to confirm the diagnosis.

While there is currently no cure for pudendal neuropathy, there is hope on the horizon. Treatment options, such as the groundbreaking Calmare® Scrambler Therapy, have shown promising results in managing and alleviating the debilitating pain associated with this condition. By recalibrating the nervous system's response to pain signals, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy opens doors to relief and improved quality of life.

Our dedicated team at the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America is committed to guiding you through the diagnostic process and tailoring a comprehensive treatment plan suited to your unique needs. With our unwavering support and innovative Calmare® Scrambler Therapy, we aim to break the barriers of pudendal neuropathy, empowering you to reclaim control over your life and rediscover a path towards well-being.


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We're here to help. Schedule an appointment with our team of neuropathic pain management specialists today.